0 2 min 2 yrs

Today, the assistant professor of Lone Ranger, Dudley, was interviewed by the media.

When talking about jeden Hardy, the second-year guard in the team, Dudley said: “He gained 10 pounds (about 4.54 kilograms), but it was not because he ate a cheeseburger, but because he has been lifting weights. He stayed in Dallas throughout the offseason to practice his skills and exercise. Most teams don’t have this. Their rookie will go home for a while during the offseason and then come back, but Hardy didn’t go home.”

Dudley also said that he hoped Hardy could have a better choice. He still needed improvement in this aspect, but Hardy definitely made a lot of efforts.

Dudley added: “I tried to teach Hardy to be a point guard. We are polishing his shield.”

Yesterday in the summer league, the Lone Ranger lost the Thunder. Hardy played for 30 minutes, made 8 shots (4 out of 12 points) in 18, and 4 out of 5. He got 24 points, 6 boards, 1 help and 2 break.

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