0 2 min 2 yrs

Netizen: Defense wins the championship KD: Brother attack can bring you the Championship

Live broadcast, July 13 -sun star Durant interacts with netizens to discuss attack and defense in the Twitter comment area today. Netizen 1: ask, if you cut 130 points per game but the team’s record is only 20 wins and 62 losses, which one is the priority for the defense or attack during the offseason? KD: This situation is impossible.. Netizen 2: attacking is not only scoring, but also organizing attacking is very important. KD: Why did you organize the attack? In order to score. Netizen 3: defense is more important. KD: Do you like those defensive players who only defend but don’t bring anything else? Netizen 4: Millions of methods finally achieve a goal…… That is the score. KD: Thank you. They just want to argue with me about this basic fact. Netizen 5: I know that the league now pays too much attention to attack and underestimates defense. Now children are no longer trained to play elite-level defensive performance. They just want to score and make the game a penalty kick war. KD: So do you know how every child is trained? Netizen 6: There is an old saying that attacks are attractive in team sports, but defense will win the championship! KD: brother, attack can bring you the champion (Offense wins u championships brother). Your problem is that when I say attack wins, you think I am is saying that I hate defense.

0 8 min 2 yrs

Surging news: Behind China’s women’s basketball “golden generation” lies the huge hidden worries of women’s basketball youth training

When China achieved the first in Asia and the second in the world women’s basketball, China’s National Youth Women’s Basketball fell into the mire one after another. On July 16, U19 Women’s Basketball World Cup, the National Youth women’s basketball was women’s basketball by Egypt to complete 32 points Super plot twist. In the U16 Women’s Basketball Asian Cup on the same day, Guoqing women’s basketball ranked sixth in the competition with a record of 1 win and 3 losses, creating the worst record of China women’s basketball in the U16 Asian Championship…… Guoqing women’s basketball attracted the attention of fans with unexpected losses over and over again, and also made more people understand the hidden worries of women’s basketball youth training behind the prosperity of China’s women’s basketball “golden generation. Wuhan shengfan group questioned China Basketball Association. Successive failures On July 13, a letter of doubt uncovered the embarrassment of Guoqing women’s basketball. At that time, Wuhan shengfan group, which donated 1.2 million yuan to U16 Women’s Basketball, issued seven questions: “Is China’s U16 Women’s basketball so bad? What is the reason for such a result in the first game?” “The amount of donation is mainly used for training. Is this the result of five-month training? Is the training not in place? Or is there an error in selecting a candidate? Can’t the players? Or can’t the coach?” The reason why the Basketball Association was “bombarded” was that the national youth women’s basketball lost 26 points to the Japanese team 44-70 in the first game of the U16 Women’s Basketball Asian Championship. U16 lost to South Korea women’s basketball, ranking only sixth. Since then, Guoqing women’s basketball defeated New Zealand women’s basketball in the U16 Asian Championship 73-95 and South Korea 63-84, ranking sixth with a record of 1 win and 3 losses, creating the worst record of China women’s basketball in the U16 Asian Championship, the worst result of China’s women’s basketball in this event was the third. China women’s basketball will miss the U17 Women’s Basketball World Cup next year due to the failure of the group to qualify…… At the same time as the U16 Asian Championship, the U19 Women’s Basketball World Cup was played. The Chinese team first lost 62-83 to Canada and then faced with Egypt. The National Youth women’s basketball led 44-12, the 32-point women’s basketball was achieved by Egyptian plot twist. After the game, Egyptian coach Mustafa Assef hardhood knelt to celebrate, while the International Basketball Federation wrote: “This is one of the greatest victories in any event planned by the International Basketball Federation.” At the end of the second section and the beginning of the third section, China U19 was hit 20-0 by Egypt women’s basketball, and the fourth section of the Chinese team was 4-20 net negative 16 points. The Egyptian coach knelt to celebrate. Youth training is difficult to cook without Rice In fact, this decline did not begin this year. In the U18 women’s basketball Asian Youth Championship held in India in 2022, the Chinese team first lost Chinese Taipei in the group match, and was hit with a 21-0 climax in the third quarter, then lost Japan, among which the first half fell by as many as 17 points, the game lost its suspense early. Li Xin, the head coach of that team at that time, cried out rarely in an interview with Tiantian sports: “I don’t have rice in the pot” “I am stretched to the limit” “No matter how capable I am, I can’t get on the court. I have no choice”. The U18 national youth women’s basketball is the base of the current U19 national youth women’s basketball, but the coach changed from Li Xin to Serbian foreign teacher Igel polenick, who was once the teaching assistant of China’s women’s basketball. In other words, the U19 national youth women’s basketball, which was reversed by Egypt women’s basketball 32 points, was not an accident, but a hidden danger had already been buried. U16 Women’s basketball does not match South Korea. If you look at Li Xin’s interview last year, you can understand why this team is weak-when interviewed by Xinhua News Agency, Li Xin said: “influenced by age structure, the children in 2004 were in a very awkward situation. They couldn’t play in the National Games in Shaanxi, and the next National Games was nothing for them, so these children were not valued.” “Youth training includes the lack of talents and the low level of youth training, which cannot be solved by my personal feelings.” If the lack of competitiveness of this U19 national youth women’s basketball is affected by the cycle of the National Games, then the U16 Women’s Basketball, which lost its dominance in Asia, is the most realistic reflection of the current women’s basketball youth training. In 2021the national U19 youth basketball league Tai’an division, the organizing committee issued a notice-Sichuan female youth, Shandong Female Youth, Guangdong Female Youth “regardless of the ranking”, the reason is that the three teams “have less than 8 registered people”. When the youth team players at the bottom of the pyramid are becoming fewer, there are naturally fewer top-notch and high-quality players to choose from. This is why Li Xin sighed with emotion that “it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without Rice”. What should I do after the golden generation I have to admit that this Chinese women’s basketball standing on the world stage is the new “golden generation” of women’s basketball “. In China’s women’s basketball history, since Zheng Haixia joined the Los Angeles spark team in 1997, less than 10 players have entered WNBA. Before Han Xu and Li Yuelu joined WNBA, only Zheng Haixia, Sui Feifei, Miao Lijie, chen Nan and Shao Ting have played for WNBA. Therefore, when Han Xu, Li Meng and Yang Liwei appeared in WNBA this year, they were lucky in the history of China’s women’s basketball. But after these players, is there any fresh blood in China’s women’s basketball? Previously, a person in charge of WCBA club gave such a number in an interview with Xinhua news agency: “At present, there are only over 200 people who can play women’s basketball in the country, and there are still some people whose competitive level is not up to the competition, it can only be used as a sparring and supplement for daily training.” Egypt steals China U19 women’s basketball. In the past three years, due to the absence of large and small U series events, young players have neither games to play nor visible in the world. In addition, the WCBA league, which was absent from foreign aid, became the dominant pattern of Inner Mongolia Women’s basketball and Sichuan women’s basketball, and even canceled the WCBA league from 2019 to 2020…… This is also why, after China won the runner-up in the women’s basketball World Cup in women’s basketball, Yao Ming stressed that “the result of women’s basketball is a surprise and you can’t be hot-headed”. “To effectively use the attention and help of these societies to us, we also need to step up our work and come up with an overall framework and plan.” But obviously, the framework and plan for the women’s basketball youth training still have a long way to go. (WEN/surging journalist Hu Jie)

0 2 min 2 yrs

If Harden fails to fulfill his obligations for 76 players for more than 30 days next season, he will not be a free player.

Live broadcast on July 20 news Harden’s relationship with 76 people continued to deteriorate and he was determined to leave. However, 76 people still want to maximize his trading value and are unwilling to trade him easily. According to the ESPN legend Zach Lowe, the 76-player Simmons refused to report for 76 in the 2021-22 season, and was later traded to basketable nets but did not play for the two teams; but the league recently decided that his 2021-22 season is still an effective year. However, the same rules do not apply to harden, because Harden’s contract is only the last year after the player option is executed. The labor agreement stipulates that players in the last year of the contract can be regarded as violating the regulations if they fail to fulfill their obligations for the team for more than 30 days. He will be banned from entering the free agent market or signing a contract with any other professional basketball team unless the final team of the player explicitly agrees. League sources confirmed that the rule allows existing teams to prevent any players deemed to be illegal from entering the free agent market and signing contracts with other teams, including professional teams outside the NBA.


Team note: As the vice chairman of the trade union, Jay Brown will suspend the contract renewal negotiations during the event.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast, July 15 news according to previous reports, Celts have provided Jay Brown with a top salary of 5 years and 0.295 billion years, and are currently discussing issues such as incentive terms. According to the Celtics accompanying reporter Adam Himmelsbach, sources revealed that the negotiations between the two sides have been making progress. But as the vice chairman of the players’ union, Jay Brown will go overseas to participate in some activities. He plans to meet with Celtics again after the event. It is not clear how long Brown will be away, but it is expected that the contract renewal negotiations will be temporarily suspended during his participation in the event. Sources stressed that Brown’s departure had nothing to do with negotiations. He just fulfilled the schedule that had been arranged long ago.

0 1 min 2 yrs


直播吧7月15日讯中国女篮队员李梦此前被曝插足前女篮领队张隆的婚姻,男方出轨并拒付抚养费。李梦则表示张隆都有按时付钱! 张隆前妻赵蕾今日发社媒表示:“首先感谢帮助过我的人,不仅帮我转发了微博,还经常在微博里关注我、鼓励我。对于有些被此事牵扯出来的人和事我也表示抱歉,我从头到尾撕的只有道德败坏的当事人。 很多人都关心我现在的问题解决了没有,有个好消息,上次微博曝光后,男方很着急的找来了,但是并没有直接解决问题,经过多次周旋,男方迫于各种压力,最终完成了之前答应的100%房屋产权的过户,拖欠的补偿付了,但是抚养费是未来十几年的事情,对方目前还不愿意配合我给孩子一个保障。 因为我迫于工作单位上级的压力,一直被强压不能发声。也能理解,你们也有KPI,我现在发声不影响比赛了吧,今天聊的是私事,我想领导们,你们没权利干涉。 之前有些异类,不知道是自己当小三被骗了,还是自己出轨遭报应了,总在我微博下面发牢骚,有些说的太没道理了,我才会评论,结果被有些人截取文字报导了出来。其实我本来没打算再发微博文章了,可是现在既然李梦微博官宣谈到张隆抚养费的问题,抚养费可是未来至少15年的事情,不是轻飘飘的一句话说得好像解决了一样。这男人你喜欢拿去可以随便睡,孩子也可以现在没有爸爸,但是抚养费还是要好好解决的。你们这么急着想洗白,不如你劝劝张隆,把孩子的问题认真积极地解决。 离婚协议中约定“两个孩子的医疗费、学费、辅导班、培训班、出国留学等一切费用,由男女双方各支付一半” 可以协商把两个孩子未来十几年的抚养费50%那部分按北京的市价算一下,之前张隆预付的金额肯定不够的,当然我也预付了另外的50%,(给孩子的钱我分文未动,如果需要证明随时可以),所以不要再矫情了,要么一次性付清,按月支付我也能接受,再找个合适的担保人。最重要的是签了补充协议按市价明确未来15年要支付的那50%的费用,如果没钱就欠着,有钱了就法院强制执行,无法抵赖就可以!有没有钱是一回事,愿意不愿意承担是另外一回事! 签了补充协议就不会哪天又会说出“孩子如果不上学,就不用花这部分钱”这种畜生都不会说的话!别人都想着盼着自己孩子好,你也配当孩子叫你爸爸。 给两个孩子未来一个保障就可以,这也是我们离婚的时候谈好的,是离婚的条件之一。男人到处都是,孩子是我亲生的,现在只有我能替他们做些事情! 不过张隆还是要少一些PUA李梦,不要总说自己不图女方,软饭都吃了,还要软饭硬吃,非说她父母都生病,说得自己好像找了拖油瓶一样。也不要总说的自己那么高尚,一个婚内出轨还抛弃孩子喜欢裸聊的男人,本来也没什么高尚的,我就是看不惯你把自己说的很清高,因为不配! 用事实说话,先配几张图吧! 照片1:张隆答应以后的抚养费明确金额落在纸面上,但是至今未做。 照片2:表示自己没钱让我找李梦要,我回复只找张隆要,没有钱就欠着,法院强制执行也行。你和李梦结婚那么大的钻戒都买了,结婚都有钱,孩子半年3万的费用之前还赖着不给。 照片3:张隆本人篮协工作经历2022年之前一直带男篮,出轨的时候是第一次带女篮,是不是抱大腿自己清楚! 照片4:张隆被篮协谈话要求辞职是2022年7月,张隆李梦两人拍裸照是2022年6月(训练地房间里不拉窗帘就全裸搞上了,照片也是有的),离婚证是2022年8月。时间先后顺序发出来是为了让大家了解清楚事情的真相! ” 李梦身陷丑闻事件

0 1 min 2 yrs

Reverse Tianjin! Liu Weiwei: it is very lucky to win today. I hope young players can seize the opportunity.

Live broadcast, July 13 news CBA summer league Qingdao Station continues, Qingdao 75-74 reverses Tianjin. After the game, Qingdao coach Liu Weiwei was interviewed by the media. Speaking of this game, Liu Weiwei said: “It is very lucky to win this game today. Everyone is not in a good state and enthusiasm today. I hope young players will grasp and cherish the opportunity to play, we will pay attention to this issue.” Tomorrow, Qingdao Guoxin aquatic products men’s basketball will be empty, and the cross match will be held on Saturday. At 17:30 on Saturday night, Qingdao Guoxin aquatic products will face the second in Group B.

0 2 min 2 yrs

Lin Yanting: I have made great efforts to get the favor of CBA after injuries and low tide.

Live broadcast, July 18 -at the 2023 CBA draft conference, in the third order, North control chose Lin Yanting, a defender from Taiwan, China, men’s basketball! Today, Lin Yanting updated the photos of the draft show in INS. The accompanying article wrote: “Some people say that I am very lucky and can get the favor of CBA team after the low tide and pain, some people also told me that it was God who closed a door and opened a window for you, but I want to say that I also found this window with a lot of efforts, the next road is more difficult and worth crossing. Thanks to Beijing North control purple ban warriors.” Lin Yanting graduated from Taiwan University of Political Science with a height of 185cm and a weight of 85kg. He has excellent personal ability and began to emerge in high school. He was once named “Taiwan’s strongest high school student”. Lin Yanting has rich offensive methods and strong physical quality, which can be played from position 1 to position 3. His joining will help the team make up the shortcomings and provide more choices for the coaching team on the rear guard line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2023 CBA draft conference

0 1 min 2 yrs

💼Fans recruit “accountant” on the street Deng Luo: come to New York! You are better than Randle!

Live broadcast, July 19 -netizen @ tedzhar shared a clip of his encounter with hot shooter Deng Luo on the street. In the video, Deng Luo carried a briefcase, indicating that he was an accountant and earned about 100000 dollars a year. In the end, tedzhar wished Deng luoming the success of the finals and recruited him to play in New York: “Sincerely, you are better than Randal!”

0 1 min 2 yrs

Chandler talks about Leffley: I hope he guides him better than me and inspires my inner energy.

Live broadcast, July 16 -recently, the retired insider Tyson-Chandler talked about the rookie of the Lone Ranger, Lefley. Speaking of guiding the rookie recently, Chandler said, “To be honest, I hope he can be better than me! I tried to teach him something I learned in my career, trying to shorten his learning curve. But I have seen a lot of great things. I like his attitude. He is willing to learn, energetic every day, very hard-working, and a very good teammate.” When it comes to levley being often compared with himself, Chandler said: “I am re-examining myself. To be honest, this is crazy. Guiding him actually inspired my inner energy, just like seeing him and recalling me at that time.” It is worth mentioning that Tyson-Chandler is one of Leffley’s draft templates.

0 1 min 2 yrs

Official: a Paris Match will be held on January 11, 2024against both sides for Knights & basketable nets

Live broadcast, July 19-today, NBA officials announced that they would arrange an NBA regular season match in Paris on January 11, 2024, against both knights and basketable nets. This is the third time that the NBA regular season has been held in Paris. Basketable Nets general manager Max and Knight president Altman both said that they were very happy to have the opportunity to participate in the NBA Paris game and looked forward to bringing the NBA into the international stage.

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Woj: Eagle sent Taitai + Garuba + guy +1 round to get Mills from Thunder

Live broadcast on July 9th according to the famous Woj report, the source revealed that the eagle signed and sent Xiao Tai-Washington, Usman-garouba, Rudi-Gay to thunder in the next round, in exchange for Mills. In this deal, the eagle saved 4.5 million dollars. ****************************************************************************************************

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Efficient output is difficult to save the Lord! Trey-Mann 14 in 10 empty cut up to 28 points

Live broadcast, July 6-NBA Utah Summer League, Thunder 86-94 is no match for the grizzly bear. In this game, Thunder player Trey Mann performed well, playing in 31 minutes 14 shots 10, 3 points 6 Middle 2, free throws 8 Middle 6 got the highest 28 points plus 4 rebounds 2 assists 1 steals, however, there are also 5 mistakes, with a positive and negative value of-6.

0 2 min 2 yrs

Gordon: I can open space and attack rim. No matter the starting substitute, I can help the team.

Live broadcast, July 15 -recently, Sun’s new aid Gordon was interviewed by reporters in Xia Lian. Speaking of his position in the Suns, Gordon said: “I can not only open space but also attack rim, but also play a tough basketball style. Our team has many super stars, basic salary and two-way players, but everyone likes competition and everyone can shoot, which is what playoff basketball needs. Once we do this, we should make it easier for each other.” Gordon said he didn’t care about the issue of whether to start or not. He said: “I can bring a lot of things to this team no matter whether it is I am substitute or starting, I can play a role and help the team.” In the 2022-23 season, Gordon played 69 regular season games for the Rockets and Clippers, with an average of 12.4 points, 1.9 rebounds and 2.7 assists; He played 5 times in the playoffs, with an average of 10.2 points, 1.4 rebounds and 2.6 assists.
