5 votes 0! Wang Zhicai’s wife: I thought you would have a full rest after playing the PRP and feel sorry for you

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Live broadcast bar, July 10 -cba summer league, Guangdong 94-99 lost to Shanxi. In this game, Wang zaikai, the men’s basketball player in Guangdong, played for 25 minutes. He scored no points in 5 shots and got 2 rebounds, 1 assist and 2 steals. After the game, Wang Zhicai’s wife wrote in an article: “I thought you would have a full rest and then play again after playing prp, but you still insisted on it. As the other half, I felt sorry for you, I hope your injury will get better soon.” The so-called PRP therapy, in short, extracts blood from other parts of the body, separates and extracts platelets through a separator, and then injects them into the injured part, this is conducive to the recovery of injuries or is a kind of “maintenance” for previously injured parts “.
